
CrocodilePOWER - "...hovering over the face of the waters"

CrocodilePOWER sa zameriava na to isté miesto, reinterpretuje mytologické príbehy a kombinuje ich so súčasnou predstavivosťou. Zďaleka nie je náhoda, že obrazy a sochy prezentované na ich samostatnej výstave s názvom „...vznášajúce sa nad hladinou vôd“ nás pozývajú aj do svojráznych záhrad, ktoré visia v surreálnom bezčase.
Táto akcia sa konala v minulosti
Dátum vernisáže:
07.02.2024 18:00, St

Imagine a wild garden – free from the constraints of geometric design where vitality reigns unchecked. Exuberant. A place where insects, together with all other organisms and animals, return and find their rightful place and balance. The concept of uncultivated garden embodies the essence, as a place of the wild, the genuine, the authentic, but mostly, the unknown.

Garden is the archetypal space of rest and tranquillity, with a flavour of certain secretiveness or hiddeness. It becomes a superstructure of the political, social or official sphere. Through yet another lens, garden fascinate us – it has a hidden strange time, constantly ongoing, almost unstructured. In this temporality, the lines between human and non-human are vanished. Delving deeper into perception, one can hear that strange silence that is not silence at all ... All seems to have its own time, its own duty – one temporality occurs on the surface, another deep within.

Duo CrocodilePOWER žije a tvorí v Budapešti.




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