
Alex Rainer (USA) and Phil Soanes (IRL)

Akustický koncert amerického hudobníka Alexa Rainera a sólo projektu Phila Soanesa.
Táto akcia sa konala v minulosti

Alex Rainer is a singer, songwriter and composer based in New York City. He has released music under his own name since 2003, including the albums Creature Comfort (2009), Sea Age (2013), Pulaski (2016), Time Changes (2020), and Harbor (2021). His next album of original songs is expected in 2023.

Phil Soanes originates from Dublin, Ireland but is currently based in Bratislava, Slovakia. In the past he played music with Grace Beneath The Pines, See-Saw, Frank's Hard Drive, The Sunday Sessions and Boys on Bicycles. He currently plays in Mraky, an alternative rock band and collaborates with the poet Laurence O'Dwyer, where he composes music as an accompaniment to O'Dwyer's poems. Recently he collaborated on the Catalan Butterflies collection.

He has released many solo albums over the years and runs the label Resonating Wood Recordings.
His latest release is 'Scattered Thoughts'.

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