
Mutant Utopia: Marsman (Pinkman, NL)

Hudba má veľkú moc – politickú, spoločenskú, fyzickú. Mutant Utopia chce prezentovať hudbu, ktorá nás posúva, pretvára, mutuje do rôznych stavov pôžitku a obohatenia v očakávaní spoločného zážitku. Cieľom je vytvoriť priestor pre všetky druhy ľudských mutantov a mutantné hudobné kmene. Druhým hosťom bude holandský producent Marsman, ktorého doplní Mutant Utopia Crew: Naďa, PIA8, Kosťo a Nebol.
Táto akcia sa konala v minulosti

At the helm of his beloved label, Marsman preaches the ‘Pinkman sound’ to congregations of devoted followers. Holding court for over ten years now, he released more than 100 records and hosted countless club nights all over the world. With over 15 years behind the decks, and the breathless release schedule he orchestrates for Pinkman and its subsidiary labels - Mindri, Broken Dreams & Charlois - Marsman has become a central figure in a close-knit scene of rough-around-the-edges DIY dance music. Marsman’s DJing can ride through uplifting synths and thunderous drum patterns that are equally suited to dark, sweat-drenched basements and cavernous industrial warehouses. But dig beneath the dirt and there’s brightness to be found, with a glossy Italo sheen never far from Marsman’s selections. Keeping clubrooms locked into groove for hours on end by meticulously building atmospheres of unease, he can pierce the tension whenever he feels the time is right withmoments of hands-in-the-air euphoria. Combining euphoric disco and wave with darker, harder sounds is a trademark move from one of Rotterdam’s finest exports.

Vstupné: predpredaj od 9€